Light is beautiful

Day 01, Year 45

It is half-past seven in the morning. I’m sitting alone at the dining table; everyone else is sleeping. I've been awake since six, for reasons I can't quite explain. It is cold, and I should be in my bed, under the blanket, next to my four-year-old, but I'm not.

Perhaps it has something to do with turning 44 the day before and all the existential questions that such milestones bring. But then again, I don't need a birthday to ponder existential matters.

I've already had my customary two glasses of warm water, visited the bathroom, replied to the remaining well-wishes, and perused my Substack when I glance up and see this scene.

The morning light filters through the living room window, softly illuminating my son's birthday decorations, still up three weeks later, and the inevitable mess that only a toddler's home can exhibit. I look up and think, light is beautiful. I grab my phone and capture a few images.

And as I'm capturing those moments, I realize that, indeed, life is beautiful. A warm home to wake up in, a family to share this life with, reasonably good health, work that I enjoy, and time to create—yes, indeed, life is beautiful.

-Alok, 25/01/24


To Road Trips


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