Alok Saini Alok Saini

Finding forgotten change


The night before yesterday found myself searching for an old phone’s charger in the vortex that is my ‘electronics’ storage. Earlier during the day, little Mr Toddler had decided to give his grand mom’s phone a dip in the bathwater. That led us to search for a backup phone and its charger. Couldn’t find the charger but came across a gift card that I had totally forgotten about. The search for the charger was promptly abandoned with the next hour or two spent on Amazon.

Initially, I thought of ordering a few books for the perpetrator of the phone in bath crime. Books that his mom had recently saved on our wish list. Unfortunately, due to some hiccup, I could not purchase any of those. Nor any other ‘physical’ book or product. So, I moved on to my e-books wish list to see if the card still worked or not. And now I’ve seven new books in my Kindle library.

Life’s little joys.

Kind of finding some forgotten change in the front pocket of a denim you are wearing after a long time and buying ice cream with it.

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